“Parents say that the Achiever Learning Company in Adyar, for instance charges an average of 20,000 per subject per month for one – on – one two-hour sessions thrice a week. However, Professor Shubham who heads the centre told TOI that he charges between Rs.5,000 and Rs.10,000 a year for group tuition classes. “Our teachers are well qualified. Some of them have contributed to the books that the students are studying, so we know that we are giving quality. “He say. If students cannot keep up with the group classes, one-on-on sessions are recommended, he adds.
Tuition centre heads admit to wanting only “serious students” in their classes. “Our aim is to create toppers. We want them to become chartered accountants and doctors, “says Professor Shubham, who runs Achiever Learning Company in Adyar. “We want them to get the first mark in class. If they are already getting 98%, we want to make that 100, “He says, adding that the centre gives students its own round of home-work. “If students do not show any improvement, then what can we say, except that the teacher will lose interest and so will the student and the parents. “He says. “We tell parents that if the child is not willing to work hard it is better that they do not come.”
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